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Questions to help leaders develop a psychologically safe organizational culture

Organizational culture is described as a pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group. These assumptions are a mix of values, beliefs, meanings and expectations that group members hold in common and that they use as behavioral and problem-solving cues.

The critical task is to support all leaders to determine which of these assumptions enhance and which could damage psychological health and safety among your workforce. Researchers Kelloway and Barling have said that virtually every outcome variable in the field of occupational health psychology is empirically related to organizational leadership.

When an organization has a psychologically safe culture, employee well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment are all improved. Conversely, if the culture is negative it can undermine the effectiveness of even great programs or policies intended to support the workforce. If an organization has a culture of fear and constant chaotic urgency, it can create an environment in which burnout and low morale are common.